Seafood Sourcing

Our wild-caught seafood is harvested by fishing vessels from the seafood's natural habitat, from oceans to rivers and lakes. These species have no interference with their natural feeding patterns or habits, meaning they're often susceptible to predators and unreliable food sources. However, their constant movement and variety in diet gives our wild-caught seafood a unique depth of flavor. Local governments often enforce policies to keep their natural populations from being overfished to ensure the longevity of this food source.

Sustainably Raised
Aquaculture is an alternative to catching seafood in the wild, as it can be a sustainable way to grow our food within a controlled environment. Our sustainably raised seafood is harvested in various environments, from traditional aquaculture tanks to open-net pens in natural bodies of water such as oceans, lakes, and ponds. Aquaculture farmers maintain strict standards and provide a balanced and reliable diet that mimics the species’ natural environment without any predators.
Salmon Species
Whether you prefer salmon that's mild and firm or flavorful and delicate, we have 25+ salmon selections to choose from!

Source: South Pacific Coast (Chile) Sustainably Ocean Raised
Beloved for its mild flavor and versatility
Moderately firm and fatty texture, with high oil content
Can be recognized by its pinkish-orange color
Retains its hue when cooked and should flake nicely

Source: North Pacific Coast (Alaska) Wild Caught
Known for its bright red or orange-red color
Firmer texture than Atlantic Salmon
Rich in healthy Omega-3 fats because the Sockeye carries a large amount of fat to survive its long migration
Marinade lightly and simply grill to showcase its distinct flavor

Source: North Pacific Coast (Alaska) Wild Caught
Largest of the Pacific salmon species
Often considered the most delicious variety
Buttery smooth, delicate texture and rich, pronounced flavor
Use a simple cooking technique for this premium salmon, such as broiling or grilling

Source: North Pacific Coast (Alaska) Wild Caught
Less oil content than other wild-caught salmon varieties
Relatively mild to moderate flavor, with the meatiest and firmest texture
Poach, bake, or sauté this lean fish to help it retain its moisture
You can also marinate the fish first and baste while cooking
Shrimp Species
Which type of shrimp is right for you? Wild Fork has an ocean of options with 35+ shrimp selections - unmatched by supermarkets!

Gulf White
Source: Gulf of Mexico
Mild-flavored shrimp with firm texture
Has notes of natural sweetness because they’re found in waters with less salinity
Color turns opaque when cooked
Can be breaded, stuffed, barbecued, or boiled with spices

Key West Pink
Source: Gulf of Mexico
Very sweet taste and more flavorful than warm-water shrimp
Despite its name, the tail is actually more red than pink
When cooked, shell turns pink and meat turns opaque white tinged with pink
Sautee with garlic, or try them battered and quickly fried

Texas Brown
Source: Gulf of Mexico
Mildly sweet with an earthy flavor and firm texture
Harvested in the deeper waters of the Gulf of Mexico, from Texas to Alabama
These shrimp bury themselves in the muddy sand to hide from predators, giving them that robust earthy flavor

Argentine Red
Source: Argentina
Vibrant reddish-pink shrimp caught in the depths of icy cold waters
Typically considered the sweetest shrimp in the world
Soft, delicate texture and taste that m
any people even compare to lobster tail
Delicious when lightly grilled or sauteed with garlic and lemon
Cooks in half the time of regular shrimp, so be careful not to overcook
Explore our new premium seafood selections from the Mediterranean.

Source: Portugal Sustainably Farm Raised
Also called Dorade, Sea Bream is widely considered by chefs to be the tastiest fish. Its meat is white and flaky with plenty of sweet flavor. We recommend enjoying our skin-on Sea Bream Fillets baked, pan fried, grilled, steamed, or roasted.

Source: Spain Wild Caught
Our Octopus Flower — named for the way its tentacles curl like a flower in bloom – comes from Spain, home of the best octopus in the world. Octopus from Mediterranean waters have a delicate, ocean-like flavor without tasting fishy.

Source: Portugal Wild CaughtCut from the thickest section of the fish, Cod Loins are like the Filet Mignon cut of a cod fish. Enjoy this white, flaky, and delicate fish with a mild flavor that makes it a popular and versatile pick for seafood lovers.