Montreal Spiced New York Strip Steak
Simple but delicious, this recipe requires just a few ingredients and 30 minutes for a 5 star meal you won't soon forget.

Light Olive Oil
Rosemary Sprig, for garnish
Preheat grill to highest temperature.
Using a brush, coat steaks lightly with olive oil and season both sides with salt, black pepper and steak rub.
Place steaks on the grill and cook for 5 minutes, turning them on the grill 90 degrees halfway through cooking time.
Turn steak over and continue grilling for 4-5 minutes, turning them on the grill 90 degrees halfway through cooking time.* For medium or well done, increase cooking time by 1-2 minutes on each side.
Remove from grill, tent with aluminum foil and let rest for 5 minutes.
*USDA recommends cooking beef to a minimum internal temperature of 145°F